Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Agricultural Revolution Notes

Gang Plow- The gang plow was invented by John Deere in the 1870's. It was mostly made from steel. It generally had 12-14 blades.

Spring Tooth Harrow- The Spring Tooth Harrow refers to a soil cultivator. It was invented by David L. Carter. It can smooth and and losen the soil.

Flying Shuttle. The flying shuttle was patented in 1733. It was invented by John K. It was boat shaped, and that was where the yarn was attatched and passed through.

Mold Board Plow- This invention was made to flip over the rich soil. It was so farmers could always have fresh soil. It also provided better germination.

Corn Picker- This was made in 1850. It was invented by Edwin Quincey. It was made so you can pick corn, with less people. Nowadays, it picks corn, and seperates them from the stalk.

Grain Elevator- It was a tower the elevated grain and moves it. It was earlier made from wood, but was reinforced with steel. In three years, the barrel's capacity had doubled.

Combine- The combine was invented by Hirum More in 1834. It was first pulled by horses. It was made to shake grain from straw.

Cotton Gin- It was invented in 1793 by Eli Whittney. It was made to seperate cotton from the seeds. It was possible so that 50 pounds could be cleaned in a day.

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