Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bellringer 4-25-12

1. Transportation and Communication had a great impact on the Industrial Revolution. First of all, with the steam engine, you cuold move from place to place, and you could send items faster. Also, you didn't have to travel somewhere to send someone a message, and ideas were sent away faster.

2. Women and children also changed their lifestyles in the industrial revolution. Mainly, they started to get employed in jobs. They were given jobs becase the factory owners thought it was to expensive to offer skilled workers a job. Women and children didn't expect much, so tehy were hired.

3. Methods of production changed the revolution when the assembly line was made. With this, they could hire someone to learn one thing. Also, they can mass produce items and make more money.

4. The increase if machinery usage affected workers in that, it made jobs easier for them. However, it was dangerous for the children to clean the machines.

5. The textile industry brought forth many inventions. One of the inventions was the cotten gin, which was made to produce cotton for clothing. Also, people started to realize that they could sell the clothes to make money.

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