Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Anglo Saxons were two german tribes combined together. They created Angeland, which is now England.
Shires- people who collected taxes, like sheriffs nowadays
Alfred the great was the first anglo saxon king, edward the confessor was the last anglo saxon king.
When edward died, he didn't have an heir, so harold godwenson, a brother in-law, and william the duke of normandy, who was his cousin, but willian was from normandy, france.
The battle of Hastings was one of the best battles ever. The battle was basically over before it started, and william one. So he was named william the conqueroer for his unanioumous victory. When he was king, he wanted to take quick actions.
1. He took the first census from ancient times. They came to house to keep track of household pop, and to tax the house. Compiled the info together, and they made the domesday book, nicknamed the doomsday book, because of the taxes.
2. When he died, he was succeeded by Herny I.
No one noticed Henry,
Henry II- When Henry II succedeed his dad, he immediately took action. His first law was that the church had to be accountable under the law. His best friend, Thomas Becket, however, didn't like the law. So Becket went to parliament to confront Henry II about the laws. The two got into a heated argument when Becket finally stormed out

When he died, John, his son succeeds him.
John- he is fiesty, he doesn't know how to lead, and when people made them mad, he went to war, To pay for the army, he taxed the 87%. So the people meet at Rummaneede. They came up with the Magna Carta, latin for great charter. He was forced to sign it.
Magna Carta was important becasue it was foundation for the US Constatuition.
Magna Carta- In 1215, powerful nobles came together to stop Henry II's tax prices. The made teh Magna Carta and forced him to sign it. It's purpose was to limit the king's powers. Freedom from teh article were spread to all citizens. It also provided citizens rights.

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