Thursday, September 29, 2011

Witness account for the Trojan War

      My name is Acames, son of Theseus. I helped fight in the Trojan War alongside many other famous people, and this is my story. After nine long years in the battle for Troy, the Greeks could take it no longer. Most of us could fight no longer due to fatigue, hunger, thirst, and physical injuries. But somehow we had managed to keep fighting. Eventually we had destroyed or captured everything except for the main place, Troy. Troy was the center of the battle year after year. The Greek army could not get passed that massive, twenty-foot tall wall, but the Trojans could not drive the Greek army back. We tried everything to get in, but the defenses were too strong. This went on year after year, with neither side letting up, nor was neither side winning the battle. Finally, the clever warrior Odysseus came up with a brilliant plan. He instructed that a large wooden horse would be built. Some say Athena had given him the advice, but no one can be sure. The statue was instructed to be large and hollow. Once the artist Epeius had built the statue, several warriors were instructed to go into the horse. As I was getting in, I noticed that Odysseus was also climbing in, and I realized the whole purpose of the horse. During the time period the war took place in, it was accustomed to leave a gift if you had admitted defeat. So that’s what we did. And Greece was famous for its wonderful artwork, so it only made sense to give the Trojans a gift of art, and so we did. It seemed the rest of the army and I was in there forever, but suddenly we started to move. I was thankful because I had been trapped in there all day, next to twenty-nine other men, so I was thankful to finally get moving. Soon later, we were taken to the gates of Troy. Well, we tried to get as close as we can, without the Trojan archers shooting at us. When the horse was dropped off, I thought to myself, no one is going to believe that the gift was safe enough to enter the city, so I figured we would be stuck in there for a while. Little did I know, the rest of the Greek army was sailing away in order to trick the Trojans. Finally, the arches saw that the Greek army had fled and left the horse as a gift. Some didn’t trust that the horse was safe, but they were ignored. Finally, they had wheeled the horse inside, and I was ready to take part in the plan. Late that night, after all of the people of Troy were asleep, all thirty of us crept out of the horse. We then opened the gates as quietly as we could. When the gates had been opened, I remember seeing the entire Greek army waiting for us. They came back during the night when the Trojans were asleep. I remember feeling that now we would finally take Troy. Once the army was inside the gates, nothing the Trojans could do would help. The battle was mostly a blur for me, but I remembered some things. On my left, was Odysseus. He was leading the attack, slashing his mighty sword through every Trojan warrior we passed. I remember seeing fire in every direction. Soon later, we had finally conquered the city of Troy. The only survivors of the attack quickly fled from Troy. That night we had rejoiced with happiness and celebrated our important battle.


  1. Very good story Mark, made me really feel like I was inside the horse. :D

  2. I have been on the sea for weeks and it feels like an eternity. I left my Rome in her embers and have thought of destroying another empire. As the captain says we have arrived, I wonder where. Then like going back in time I see Troy in all her glory and realize that this is the Greek War against Troy. Inside me a warmth of glee bubbles up, the excitement of destroying another empire thrills me beyond measure. Grabbing my armor without regards to my title do I dash to the melodies of war, I want to fight alongside Odysseus in his wonderful invention, the Trojan Horse. I jump the rings in the ladder up to the horse and wait in utter joy to hack at these Trojans. When the moon is behind clouds and it is the darkest of the night we slowly climb out let our army into the city and burn it to the ground. As I hear the screams and watch the flames leap up to burn the rest of the city I cackle with a laughter greater than any other. Startled by this I am awakened by my servant who informs me that my Rome is still engulfed in flames, a sly smile ripples across my face.
