Monday, November 28, 2011

Seven Course Meal

Included in each course is a special drink made of honey and wine.

Course 1: We will start the meal with rich fava beans, native to Asua and Africa. Added to that, are delicious vegetables steamed and cooked in salt for that extra flavoring. Finishing off this course are succulent, stewed snails.

Course 2: To start this course, we will be serving spicy grilled pork with tangy BBQ sauce mixed into the pork as it is being grilled. Along with that we will be serving delicious onions and parsnips that will go perfectly with the pork.

Course 3: This course will begin with a duck that has been hand picked for this dinner. We will be using a traditional Roman recipe, where we roast the duck and combine several different ingredients to make the traditional dasmon sauce to make the duck a little sweeter. On the side, we will serve cooked turnips that is another Roman side with a duck meal.

Course 4: For this course we will serve "porcus Troianus," (Trojan Pig). The pig will be prepared by stuffing it full off sweet fruit, and succulent sausage, and then roasted until it is fully cooked. The pig will be served standing straight up, just like in Roman times. Served with this, will be various types of fruit.

Course 5: For this course, we will serve a delicious roasted rabbits served with perfectly fried onions and mushrooms. Also, we will have hot, spicy peppers if you wish to make it a spicy rabbit meal. Added to this, we are serving salty, stewed snails that are flavored with a special sauce the Romans used named Garum.

Course 6: For the final course before dessert, we will serve up a popular Roman fish, the mullus. We will grill the fish to aquire that smokey flavoring. Siding with this, will be many different vegetables that we will sauté in butter, including onions and mushrooms.

Course 7: For the seventh and final course, we will serve a special Roman cake that was made of wheat and soaked in honey. Served with this, is an assortment of various fruits that the Romans had with dessert, including grapes and pomegranets. Also, we are serving figs and dates.

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