Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bellringer 10-29-14

They are seeking the death penalty over the premise that the captain killed the people on the ferry. I disagree with them seeking the death penalty because he did what any human would've done. I don't believe in the death penalty because I don't feel taht people should be able to make the decision regarding people's death. It shouldn't be up to anyone.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Presidential Report Card

Presidential Report Card

Name of President: Millard Fillmore
Number of Presidency: 13th President
Years in Office: 1850-1853
In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 
Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
Millard Fillmore had to enter office after the death of his predecessor. He took his office with very little preparation, and I feel he did admirabley. He managed to pass many bills easily that were thought to be controversial.
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
There was much dispute between the pro slavery groups, and the anti slavery groups. Stuck in a constant battle, he managed to get bills passed, but not without much arguing.
Character and Integrity
Millard Fillmore was a practical man who got along with many different backgrounds. He was also known to be practical and to never mince his words.
Millard Fillmore was also interested in educating himself in his early life. He got and read many books, in order to make himself wiser, from an early age.
He was only for one side of the Civil War, so naturally, you can imagine he didn't get along with some people. It was hard for him to empathize with sides he didn't agree on.
Foreign Policy
Millard Fillmore was the first to open public trade with Japan, which was once condisered an isolated country.
Relates to the common man
Millard FIllmore was a pro union man, so that means, he was at least supported by half of the population during the Civil War.
He effectively managed to get Japan to agre to trades, and he managed to pass an extensive list of bills that no one expected to pass.
Political Experience
He was the VP for his preceeding president, and taht experience led to him to attempt to become a decent President. That prior knowledge was undoubtedely helpful.
Public speaking & Communication
I feel that he effectively managed to get his point acrossed, to people that didn't neccessarily see eye to eye with him

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bellringer 10/13/14

1. No, the hacking of the 3rd party snapchat app did not surprise me.
2. Privacy is always at risk when you send things electronically. I think the events that have occurred over the past month have proved this.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Bellringer 10/10/14

I believe that the women should have the right to take her own life, because it is her life to decide what happens the her. Suicide is when you take your own life,and euthenaisa is when someone assists you in suicide.I would feel like I couln't controll my own life.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bellringer 10-08-14

2. No, I'm not surprised by the findings.
3. I feel that in order to fix this, jobs that have a smaller salary, should raise there salaries, so that women are less dependent on tips.
4. Create a law that raises the minimum wage, in order to keep women less dependent on tips.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bellringer 10/06/14

Click-Bait articles try to draw you away from Facebook itself, and draw your attention to the baited sites. I would like it if these sites were taken off and restore Facebook to social media, instead of the marketing ploy many websites use it as now.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bellringer 10-1-14

1. No, I do not believe that he should have been penalized because I feel it violates his 1st amendment, of being able to freely broadcast his religion. Also, Tim Tebow was not facing punishment when he showed signs of Christianity, and this is basically the same thing.
2. It goes against his first amendment.
3. I would give the players a more in depth description of what is acceptable, when regarding religion on the NFL.